Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he is ready to sit at the negotiating table with Russian President Vladimir Putin if it is the only setup that will bring peace to Ukraine.’If that is the only setup in which we can bring peace to the citizens of Ukraine and not lose people, definitely, we will go for this setup,’ Zelensky said in an interview.The Ukrainian President has said that during the nearly three-year war with Russia, 45,100 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, and 390,000 have been wounded.He also said that approximately 350,000 Russians have been killed , and around 600,000 to 700,000 have been wounded.At the end of January, Russian President had declared that he was open to negotiations to end the conflict in Ukraine, but he rejected direct negotiations with his Ukrainian counterpart. Putin said that if the Ukrainian president wanted to participate in negotiations, ‘I will allocate people to take part.’